Another one for the books – the month of September is over – here’s what happened on Baeldung.
My Traffic in September
First – the overall traffic – Baeldung is getting close to 200 000 pageviews a month – which is a cool milestone to see.
The blog also just passed 2 million pageviews since I started it back in 2011, with well over 1 million just in 2014.

The stats are pretty much the same as last month. The pages/session are a bit lower then I would like (and I’m trying to improve that) – but overall it seems like that’s just the way readers are consuming my content there.

My top referrers are also pretty much the same as before:

Email Subscribers
Email is holding steady at 1255 new email subscribers this month (just a bit down from the 1279 last month):

Overall I’m happy with that number. What I’m really not happy with is the rate of unconfirmed email subscribers – people that are simply not verifying their email and so they’re not added to my list as subscribers.
Honestly – this is getting ridiculous – I have 2144 unconfirmed “subscribers” just in September. Now – I did add a new optin optin – a custom code sample specific to each article – which actually sends out the lead magnet before the reader verifies their email (technical limitation). But even taking that into account – these numbers don’t really make sense.
Rant over – I’m hoping to figure it out in October and fix the underlying issue. The problem is that October looks like a month pack full with client work for me, so I might or might not get a chance to work on this problem.