July has ended and the results are in – traffic was good but email subscribers were the highlight of this month.
Overall Traffic
Let’s jump straight into the traffic numbers – an overall 12% growth over the previous month:

The stats are pretty much the same:

Referral Traffic
Over to my top 10 referral sources:

Again – no big changes in my main sources of referral traffic – Google+ seems to be rebounding, which is great to see.
Email Subscribers
Email is where it’s at for July – my continuous A/B testing of oh-so many CTAs and types of optins is finally paying off, with a record 1180 new subscribers for the month of July. This represents a 60% increase over the previous month, and considering the 12% traffic increase – this is a very nice increase indeed.

Also – the new experiments I’m running look quite promissing, so – figered crossed – August is going to go well in terms of email subscribers.
Other Stuff
July was vacation time for me, so there’s not a whole lot to report on here.
I did manage to launch a new homepage for baeldung – you can check that out at – wait for it – www.baeldung.com.