1. The Experiment and the Links
Last month I performed a SEO experiment with the internal linking structure of my site. I picked one of my newer tutorials – one that wasn’t getting any traffic from Google, and I linked to it from 12 individual articles. These are relevant articles on the same topic – basically all of my articles in that particular category.
The main tutorial page is: http://www.baeldung.com/httpclient-guide
And the individual articles are all of the 12 articles on that page.
The link I used is very simple and natural:
If you want to dig deeper and learn other cool things you can do with the HttpClient – head on over to the main HttpClient tutorial.
The anchor text of the link is exactly the same for all of the 12 links I added.
2. Traffic Results
When I started the experiment, the page was already a little more than a month old – it existed and was indexed since the 21st of March – but, until the 26th of April, it was getting 2-3 visits per week, so almost no traffic.
I added the internal links in the last week of April; the result was quite obvious – the traffic spiked on the 29th to ~100 visits / week and again more recently to ~150 visits / week:

3. Conclusion
Good internal linking is a powerful technique – it’s entirely possible to get a page ranking using only these types of links as long as you have a few relevant pages with some juice behind them.
So – overall, I’d say the experiment was a quick win and a learning experience.
Not sure what you are measuring here?
A) Just page views or
B) How many people landed directly on this new page from google.
If it is A then, there is little to learn, add links get page views.
What is interesting to know is if you started ranking for the term and receiving traffic or if rankings improved for the term?
It’s strictly how many new visitors I got from organic search traffic. I wasn’t tracking keywords so I only have the traffic numbers; however, strictly from the traffic numbers – and only using these internal links – the spike is clear. Hope that helps. Cheers,
out this internal pagerank checker
http://www.localizely.com/ , they will send you an email with all the statistic of your page