The Q2 report for Baeldung – a new studio, a new course and opening up the site to payed writers.
Baeldung Q2 2015 Report

Marketing experiences growing Baeldung
The Q2 report for Baeldung – a new studio, a new course and opening up the site to payed writers.
The first quarter of the year is over, and this year I decided to move my reports to a 3 month cadence. Here we go… Traffic in Q1 2015 Let’s start with the traffic numbers: As you can see, January had a couple of weeks with nearly no search traffic. That was because I somehow […]
If you’re going to be late, at least commit. This post is exactly 3 months late, so you can’t blame me for not committing. The 2014 Review for Baeldung – here we go. My Traffic in 2014 Let’s start with a high-level view of the traffic for the year: And a more detailed breakdown of […]
The Baeldung traffic and conversion report for November.
The Traffic and Email Subscribers report for Baeldung, in October.
Another one for the books – the month of September is over – here’s what happened on Baeldung. My Traffic in September First – the overall traffic – Baeldung is getting close to 200 000 pageviews a month – which is a cool milestone to see. The blog also just passed 2 million pageviews since […]
A similar month to July for the Baeldung traffic but another email list growth record.
Another good month for Baeldung – here are the raw numbers.
A record month for Baeldung in terms of traffic and email list growth.
Big month for baeldung – my search traffic has has grown 2x literally over night.